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Mobile Overtakes Desktop Shopping For First Time Are You Ready

Mobile Overtakes Desktop Shopping For First Time: Are You Ready?

In 2014, there was a lot of talk about whether or not mobile shopping will overtake desktop shopping. It simply has. According to IMRG research, mobile devices currently account for 52% of retail traffic. More individuals are also purchasing on mobile devices, with smartphones and tablets accounting for more than 36% of UK eCommerce transactions.…

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What's The Difference Between Black-Hat And White-Hat SEO

What’s The Difference Between Black-Hat And White-Hat SEO

In the field of Search Engine Optimization, SEO, a range of methods are used by many to ensure higher visibility in search engines. This includes content generation, Pay-per-click banners, links from other websites, business ads, and in particular social media integration, are also essential resources to improve web presence. Although the ultimate objective is to…

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