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Boost Your SEO – 5 Usability Principles That Make Visitors Stay

Does your website allow visitors to stay around? If not, it's not only losing your clients – it's also potentially destroying your site SEO (search engine optimization). User experience has always been an important part of SEO… but it's becoming more and more important. After all, Google (and other search engines) aims to deliver content that…

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What's The Difference Between Black-Hat And White-Hat SEO

What’s The Difference Between Black-Hat And White-Hat SEO

In the field of Search Engine Optimization, SEO, a range of methods are used by many to ensure higher visibility in search engines. This includes content generation, Pay-per-click banners, links from other websites, business ads, and in particular social media integration, are also essential resources to improve web presence. Although the ultimate objective is to…

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