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Social Media is not a distraction, it boost Productivity
Social Media is not a Distraction, it Boost Productivity
Far from diverting employees from their jobs, social media and smartphones actually make staff more productive - and employers should learn to deal with that new reality. Access to social networks via mobile devices gives staff a “virtual co-presence” with direct benefits for the business in which they work, according to a new study. That core…
Social Media as an Emerging Theme in IS Strategy
Social Media as an Emerging Theme in IS Strategy
Hello guys, I'll like to share my presentation on Social Media as an Emerging Theme in IS Strategy. The 21st century is characterized with various kinds of challenges that are essentially affecting the ways businesses operate; these challenges are driven by events happening inside and outside of the organizations. Organizations need to study these events and strategize around…

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Social Media is not a distraction, it boost Productivity
Social Media is not a Distraction, it Boost Productivity
Far from diverting employees from their jobs, social media and smartphones actually make staff more productive - and employers should learn to deal with that new reality. Access to social networks via mobile devices gives staff a “virtual co-presence” with direct benefits for the business in which they work, according to a new study. That core…
Social Media as an Emerging Theme in IS Strategy
Social Media as an Emerging Theme in IS Strategy
Hello guys, I'll like to share my presentation on Social Media as an Emerging Theme in IS Strategy. The 21st century is characterized with various kinds of challenges that are essentially affecting the ways businesses operate; these challenges are driven by events happening inside and outside of the organizations. Organizations need to study these events and strategize around…

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