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Content is now a new trendy marketing buzzword.
This makes a lot of sense; all marketing is now digital, and digital marketing really doesn’t work well without a lot of content. So every market leader on Earth needs to concentrate on improving the content resources of their team if they want to succeed.
Despite the pandemic spreading through the world, it is possible that in-person gatherings will not come back until the end of 2021, and that’s being realistic. And even if the vaccine is carried out on a scale in the first half of the year, it will take some time before we can comfortably repack convention centres.
In-person events make up more than 20% of B2B marketing budgets on average and more than 50% of B2B marketing budgets in many organizations. Smart marketing executives are preparing to move their budget to content; according to LinkedIn, 78 per cent are planning to increase their investment in content.
The quality of content is going to get better as it result. And they’re both going to have to get their game up to stand out.
The best will re-evaluate their marketing budgets and re-invest some of those investments in advertising to make them more successful overall. After all, great content reduces your cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-lead (CPL) costs and spreads knowledge, confidence, and loyalty to your brand.
From today, every marketing executive should have this checklist in mind.
- Content Strategy
Should you have one, and do you have all seven primary components? Do you understand the kind of content your audience needs, and have you found the sweet spot of what your brand and audience cares about overlappings?
2. Creative Talent
Do you have the right artistic talent at your fingertips to produce content that really stands out? Are you able to go beyond blog posts and create the most common platforms and formats for your audience? And if the answer is no, how are you going to scale quickly? Will you create an in-house team or join a new wave of digital marketers scaling up on top-of-the-line innovative talent to optimize their innovative and budget flexibility?
3. Layout for ROI
If you can’t prove how your marketing investment can generate sales, you will fail to get an appropriate budget. Have you got an ROI plan in place? (This article will help, if not.)
4. Technology
Do you have the right technologies in place to motivate your marketing team to do their best work? To give them the feedback they need, streamline their development process, evaluate what works and what doesn’t work, and make it easy to progress with each round of publishing?
Marketing executives who grow their content skills are the ones who can succeed and prosper next year and beyond. They ‘re going to produce leads that are already evangelists, completely bought in. They will dominate the hunt and offer compounding returns over time.
They ‘re going to do something that’s actually worth it, and they’re going to be rewarded.